as read from website, this oil is good and can make you slim and got a lot of good benefit for your body. although its real YUCKS to be drinking oil i just drank them as i was hopefully to be slim =)
you are suppose to drink 3 tablespoon each day but sad to say i have STOP them like today becos i think my tummy cant take it. at times when i take them i tense to have tummy ache and will have to keep going to the loo to lao sai.
no doubt on the website its said that for some people their tummy cant take it so they have to drink smaller dose and slowly increase the doseage. i tried but sometimes its still make me lao sai so i give up now.
i think im going to start my jogging or swimming soon to lose my 10kg!!
this is the oil.. its so hard to find them loh.. got it at Far Price Tampines.. only at some supermarket then got sell. if im not wrong i got them about $33

this is how it look like.. like water but its OIL.

in cold temperance it will turn sticky and white which is normal..

if you guys wannt try go ahead BUT try if u DARE to drink OIL and if u are like me, u will have diarrhea...
my art from my iphone..

this want too =)

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