We ordered too much food till can't finish but at least I managed to eat them.
this is my 2nd time eating at this Korean restaurant at Chinatown. its called Togi Korean Restaurant. i LOVE their food. its a MUST to try if you like Korean food.
address is at 11 Mosque Street S59491, Tel: 6221 0830
Korean Green Tea

their side dishes

spicy chicken

wrap them up with the lettuce and eat them up!

put them in the lettuces..................

and put them into your mouth!

my beef with steam rice which they are heling me to stir..

tadah! and it taste GOOD!

Potatoes Pancake. somehow i think they taste a bit like our roti plata.

dd bibimbap which they help him mix it up with chili sauce.

this is my FAV!! i came here is also becose of this.... spicy rice cake with dumpling and seaweed! YUMMY!!

my bb non spicy beef noodles which he also said that is nice..

beef and mushroom soup.. this soup is SWEET very nice..

my bb enjoying his noodles..

see its NICE loh.. see his face u know liao =)

After that went and watch Toy Story 3 in 3D. It was awesome! The storyline was touching n it made me teared. Go watch am not going to say much about it =)
Once me n Bb were at home we tried to slp. I was kinda sleepy but since my Bb can't sleep so we chit chat. My Bb really scared to die when we were chatting he would tell me his heart pain, hand no feeling, leg bleeding etc... If I'm not wrong we chatted till ard 2 plus am. With me chatting with him half asleep...
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