well the BEST medicine is my alcohol, my love to help me numb all the pains i'm having.. plus the very BEST farewell present given to me which i guess will stick to me my WHOLE life.. thanks a lot^^ i wont blame anyone but myself.. this is wat i had chooses i need to live it up.. yes im getting sick of my life right nw, maybe not even right nw BUT all the while.. but wat can i do nothing..
i really cant believe after all tis while i'm a fool all along.. jus a pawn in their games.. ya i knw there is a lot of ppl nagging me abt it.. wth!! haha they will be saying " yan how many times have we need to repeat ourselves abt this huh?" lolx..
i cherish all things dear to me.. But simply dun understand y some ppl wont. Oh well, y bother abt others but myself right.. Guess its e hardest this way for me...
sometimes i simply dun understand why its me.. why my eyes are always so BLINDED?? why cant i jus wake up fm every craps which i've already gone throughout? haven i had enough already? why times & again im such a fool to myself? can u jus fucking WAKE up of ur fucking mind?!?!? this world is NEVER sweet & smiling.. u jus have to live with it my dear..
tts y i dun really understand why some people are just able to live everyday without a care in the world.. if craps came up to them, they simply just heck care & continues to life carefree.. dun they care abt others feelings?? why are they like this??
yea i guess MOST of it is my fault.. i agree.. im the cause of everything.. as a fren said "God determines who walks into ur life. It is up to u to decide who u let to walk away, who u let to stay, and who u refuse to let go" very true indeed..
i HATE his FUCKING WORLD!!! lolx..

Dont so lost lah... I buy you a map and GPS, then wont lost le, hehe. Smile and walk on :)
thanks stan.. it just feel so terrible.. oh well.. guess its lesson learn too then..
When you feel terrible, those are the best lessons to learn from leh... This world ain't a pretty place but there are still things which make it b-e-a-u-tiful. for example... You! Haha
end again ar, end with the last same person huh or end with another new person!? :P
REALLY end or got PART III ...
Hee anyway if don't feel happy then no point forcing urself to do things that u are not happy. thou sad now, this feeling of lost will pass...
Haiz.. stan stan, trying to cheer me up ya..lolx.. thanks la..
No la.. same person.. u knw meh?? hmMm.. im happy & sad.. really dunno wat to say.. cant believe tt they are able to jus FORGET every single things & move jus like tt leaving me to pick up myself.. the feeling is so bad.. haiz
I just congratulated you for your last ENDing mah, then now end again, so must be patched back lor haha~ anyway, bad feelings will go away ...
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