y i smash his laptop? u think i wanted too? NOPE!! of cse not.. its becos we had a very terrible quarrel the other time tt y. and he can keep repeating it always. putting all the blame on me, saying tt i should not have slap him 1st, then he should not have beat me too. if he knw how to respect a lady then nth will happen..
so i told him i cant possible pay him the full amt asking to pay him back by installment every mth. not long after tt, guess wat he put on his msn header?? the exact words: " y can u smash a 3K laptop & cant even compensate $150 for a DVD drive". HELLO?? he didnt ask me to pay him $150 for tt drive ok!! he asked me to pay $300!!! go ard telling ppl lies!!!
and further more i DIDN'T say tt i wont pay him, i told him i will pay my INSTALLMENT!! then he started to say how greedy i was, saying tt i should be begging him for forgiveness abt me smacking his laptop, telling me not to regret wat i did.
telling me tt i can go on clothes spree etc then i cant even pay him back $300?? pls, tt was before he asked me to pay for his drive, and by nw im alr dry up. plus saying how he tolerated my temper & attitude. then wat abt me?? i have to tolerated him always adding gals on his fb & his msn is FULL of gals, tt nvm, BUT he dun allow me doing tt. thinking i dun knw wat he is doing outside beside this things. tell me then?? wat is gg on here??
always bring up things saying how gd he is to me, buying things for me, told me tt i should be graceful tt he is so gd to me despite me having a kid & haven settle my problems. i mean, if a person is gd to me, he dun have to keep repeating it to me again & again. i will knw it myself.
wat is this?? can anyone tell me??

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