anyway, after tt brought him to cwp, had a little shopping ard then went to meet my frens to pass them they clothes which they order fm the spree.
playing ard..

had dinner, after tt my son fell down well playing in the playground. dunno which kid push him down abt one meter to the ground and ran away. idiot!! and the worst things is i didn't manage to have a gd look at her. my boy was crying out in pain, didn't thought there were anything serious abt it but he kept crying. had no choice but to bring him to the near by clinic. waited for abt an hour and a half & in the end the stupid doc didn't even dare to touch my son arm & just ask me to bring him to KK hospital for xray to see if his bones are broken or anything.
waiting for doc at the clinic

hurry hm to pack up, and bring him to the hospital. consultation fee cost $75 man, dame EX! went for his xray and the doc said tt his bones is crack but didn't need any surgery just put casting. will have to go again next wk for another casting. dunno how much is the total bill nw.. haiz.
at the hospital

saying tt it will take abt one mth to cure hopefully by the end of his sch holiday he will be able to use his arm if not he wont be able to write. come to think of it, i think i really need to spent more time with him, making sure tt i'm able to give him wat i can now. worrying tt it will affect him when he grows up.
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