the package
the clothes quality is not bad.. really happy tt i got nice clothes to wear le.. yuppie!!
this are mine..
there are all the orders
having sleepless night AGAIN!!! really HATE this feeling..
maybe SC is right tt he love beautiful gals flocking to him & he enjoys their company & those disgusting stuff..
adding ALL gals on facebook & msn, chatting with then & making new gals frens.. and can ALWAYS accused me of tt. still can tell me he NEVER add anymore gals on it alr.. kao!! all is BULLSHIT man!!!
if u really LOVE someone so badly as wat u said, will u ever do things to hurt them??? they always think tt we gals dun knw wtf they are doing..
i mean if u really LOVE someone, u will think of their feelings. if u dun wan them doing back to u, wat u did to them, then they SHOULDN'T have to loh.. kao!!
this is NOT love.. i rather dun wan this love man!! love is giving each other security not jus saying & continues doing wat they feel tt its alright for them.
to them they think tt as long they never betray us, its ok. BUT if they dont want us doing back to them, then they SHOULDN'T too!!!
y dun they just understand our feelings too!!! fuck!!
fucking HATE guys.. never have i known anyone like tt!!!
thinking tt i DONT KNW!!! WTF!!!
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