today i had a FREAKING BAD day at work! this freaking Myanmar girl in my office is really KILLING me! i really HATE her to the core!
i took half day leave so that i can go to my son school for Meet the parents session and both his english and chinese teacher said that he had improve and also not that mischievous as before in class. good job baobei! but there is still room for improvement. and i also have to thank my ah bui for helping me out with his chinese.. without him i also dunno i can teach him CHINESE a not.

so i reward him with Beyblade.. this is not sold in singapore yet i actually brought in online and its double the price to buy the want sold in singapore loh. i brought it a couple of weeks ago and wanted to see how well he did for his exam if he didnt do well then i wont have even gave him this..

and yes went to city hall and walk pass this Garrett Pop corn and MUST buy but dunno why the taste is not the same as i had it the first time loh.. the first time i tried i find it SUPER nice can! now i feel so so nia loh.. this is the small packed and i buy Carmel and cheese flavor..

my baobei wanted to go Suntec as they are having some Book fair so once i reach the hall, some china guy approach me and start to ask me if my son likes chinese etc then he started to tell me how good is this course they are having.. so my ah bui hear what he said and he think that its something good for him to attend and learn.
basically this is a Story course and the kids will be learning chinese in a fun way where by they will be excited to learn chinese. each session consist of 10 kids and after every session which is 1hr and 30 min they are requited to presented what they have learned on that day. its also to build up his confident too.
total durcation of this courese is 16 session but we brought 5 session at $214 inculding gst and martierals so meaning to say each lesson is $30. and if we find that after this 5 session he improve then we can contuines. btw, the princples of the school is a chinese dj before. oh well, ah bui said that its good so we will give it a try and see how good it is then.
the flyer..
the receipt..
the main point to come here was actually to get tis Hand science which my baobei wanted to get. now on offer 4 box of this at $29.90. then i saw this series of Master of disaster and my baobei also like so i buy for him too! as i believe that since he started to read his english has improve and last time he always HATE reading stories book which do not have any pictures loh.. now at least he can even read charlie and the chocolate factory by roald dahl..

i brought that all for more then $50 and got this as free gift.. a puzzle game to move ur brain!
my ah bui brought this chinese book for me so that he can improve his chinese.. very cheap 1 book for $1!

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