am so gg to work the WHOLE day meaning till night time loh.. finish my Day job le then rush to my pub job as this wk im starting at 7.30pm wor.. so no more gg home to have a quick nap which i use to do it.. reach work my babe was alr there waiting for me as she came with her frens to come & support me.. then end up she also went interview for the job there...
well, as for work tonight was alright but for my babe was not alright for her loh.. hmMm, sth cork up between her & someone whom i also know de.. me like stuck in between them dunno wat to do also.. i wan to help both but i cant..sigh.
gal, think what u really want & go for it if u think its the right choice for u. but once u really go for it make SURE u really get the right one & STOP all the rest.. it will be better like tt.. hopefully u knw wat u are doing.. i will as always be here for u =)
btw hor.. dunno y i always open Martel i mostly kana cut by it de lei.. sai de. kana liao still dunno till it bleed then i knw.. lolx
my babe
si bei act cute..lolx
=.= he also act cute
BOTAK!!! lolx
duhz.. carry the bear bear till so stiff
my darlingzzz
dunno y his lips like tt
knw him so very long... finally can take a pic with him
she drunk liao loh..
haha.. guess wat they are playing?
look carefully.. they are taking turns to burn the tissues BUT the coin are not allow to drop inside de cup whoever drop it have to drink the cup full of craps.. like say cigarettes ash.. LOLX
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