the Bday cake which i brought for him.. haha, chio right?

with the Bday Boy

cutting cake time le.. woot~~

i bet tt the cup is like F cup? haha he likes la, see him licking it like tt.. wow!!

ya, me cutting the bal for frens to eat..like my Bday like tt.. faintzz

the drinks to make him drink till drunk till drop~~~haha

ya, look at tt man.. eeww.

men jus LOVE breast.. hahahaha

smoking break with Stan

and with Bday boy too..

my beloved sister who are always there for me, really sorry tt i make ur so worry for me, i knw tt u guys really care for me.. im really very sorry for making ur look high & low for me.

they are the ones who are there for me, when i needed them & no matter wat happens to me, the will always be there for me. they are really like my real sisters.. love ya!!

my sister

errr.. he bloody hell drunk alr loh.. walk also dunno how to walk keep stepping on my feets.. plus keep wanting to kiss guy? duh!!

ready to drink his waterfall.. the Waiter asked me to drink with him, end up he drink with the Bday boy.. haha. i never drink b4 de la.. wait i drink, i slp liao.. die man..

cool, after drinking see alright a bit nia la.

Stan & Jymme

Bear & Jymme

hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.....cute hor.. keke

Ex classmates..11 yrs & still counting..

yo yo yo!!


errr.. wtf!!

cute cute right..

funny face.. he la, not me..im sweet looking nia.. anyone wanna puke? haha


with mei mei

mei mei very sweet looking wor.. she scare tt pervert la..

wan to bit me ar??

best bud

yan dao? puke

mucks love ur to bits

his long time fren..

tt wan wearing sunglasses dame funny through out the night. he jus stand there all the way loh. i asked him wanna sit bo, say dun wan. jus stand there, his looks dame birdly loh.. like robot like tt.. hahahaha

after tt he alr drunk liao still wan to go tis discos, kinda like a Thai disco..

hucks anyone??

with Kel

wats tt look man..

like er, gays??

boys, men, guys

he dancing loh..

snap shot of the dancers

me here again jus wan to say im very very SORRY to my dearests. sorry to make ur worry for me. i knw ur really care for me, dun wan me to fall in the wrong side of my life. im really very touch abt it. really love ur, my dears... dun leave me alone..
when i saw the sms sent to me, it really hurts me tt i have disappoint ur so much.
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