on the way hm, didnt knw wat to do, as i got nth to do. so when and got some orange juices & some snacks. for wat u must be thinking.. of cse to eat & drink la.. dumb!
reach hm, look ard for my coin pouch & finally found it hided under my loads of things, found my Foever21 Blouse too still in the bag which i brought it a few wks ago. so wore it & cam whore with it.. hmmm, thinking when i'll be wearing it out..haha
before gg for my bath
then had my bath & watch Dont Mess With the Zohan, it was hilarious. feel so happy then man. & munching my snacks & drinking my orange juice mix with vodka. yucks!! i come to hate vodka. guess it was becos of my dear sister whom whenever i go clubbing or pubbing with will drink martell. hmmm, martell is better then vodka after all.. haha.
wat the heck, i still got a bottle of vodka, white wine & Otard at hm man.. so am gg to drink them slowly..haaa

this was how i spent my day... boring huh.. wat to do.. life SUCKS!!
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