had dinner at JB, then went drinking at a pub, follow on we went to a Nightclub called Golden Palace. i wanted to have a look & the feeling of being there as i never went before.. so once sitted in the room, the mummy will bring some gals for the guys for company.. while some gals will rub themselves all over the guys, while some gals jus sat there, chatting, drinking & singing..
well, there u can enjoy urself with all kinds of drugs fm the mummy or the gals. they will be dancing their way in the room pumping the music loud loud.. i guess at there, this is kinda normal, jus simply enjoying themselves..
i guess my present there, the guys didnt really do anything to the gals. guess if im not there, it will be crazy in there..
i wonder y guys LOVE gg to NightClubs, izzit the company of the gals, the feel or the drugs+feel..hmmm. but then again, y do guys who have wife/gf they still wanna go there?? izzit becos they jus wan to have something diffrent instead of just their wife/gf?? maybe its becos they are sick of gg hm everyday back to the same old person, fucking the same women, so its kinda boring to them.
btw, y do some guys treat gals like SHIT, calling us gals, a PIECE OF SHIT. meaning tt, we are jus some sort of a toy for them, playing with their fingers once they get tired of it, the will jus thrown it one side & the next better player is his new toy..
anyway, y cant we Women meddle with Men affair? be in business or watever. dun come & say tt its the Men business etc, so u Women jus buzz off?? while, as for me i wan my Guy to tell me EVERYTHING, to share with me his problems though as times i cant help out at the very least i knw wat is happening, not jus treating us like a PIECE OF SHIT as wat they called us.
let me jus say, Men who DON'T respect us Women, they are just FUCK off!! be in they are rich or poor, they still need to treat we Women with respect. this kind of Men whom can alr say tt we Women is a SHIT then whoever be with him will be torture badly BUT i doubt any Women will be with him. so let me tell u, u can kiss my ass & go Gelyang fuck ur China women.